Wednesday, December 10, 2008

history of computer hardware

Computer Hardware - A History

Computer hardware has transformed in the last few decades as computers evolved from bulky, beige monsters to sleek and sexy machines. Computer Hardware – a History The dictionary defines ‘computer’ as any programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data. Computer Hardware evolved as data storage, calculation and data processing became important elements in work and life. In fact, the earliest computer Hardware is thought to be record keeping aids such as clay shapes that represented items in the real world – the early mechanics of merchants and accountants of the past. From the abacus and the slide rule came analogue and later, the electronic computer Hardware known today. A timeline of the history of computer Hardware: 1632 the first mechanical calculator was built by Wilhelm Schickard. It used cogs and gears and became the predecessor for computer Hardware. 1801 punched card technology began and by 1890 sorting machines were handling data, the first computer Hardware and installations used punched cards until the 1970s. 1820, Charles Xavier Thomas created the first mass-produced calculator. 1835, Charles Babbage described his analytical engine, which was the layout of a general-purpose programmable computer. 1909, Percy Ludgate designed a programmable mechanical computer. 1914, a central component in computer Hardware – the binary numeral system- was described by Leibniz. 1930s, desktop mechanical calculators, cash registers and accounting machines were introduced. By the 1960s, calculators advanced with integrated cuircuits and microprocessors. Digital computer Hardware replaced analogue computers. Digital computer Hardware The era of the computer as we know it today began with developments during the Second World War as researchers and scientists were spurred on by the military. 1960s and beyond ‘Third generation’ computer Hardware took off post 1960 thanks to the invention of the integrated circuit or microchip. This led to the microprocessor which in turn led to the microcomputer – computer Hardware that could be owned by individuals and small businesses. Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple Computer and is credited with developing the first mass market computer, although the KIM-1 and Altair 8800 came first. Evolution in computer Hardware After the 1970s the personal computer and evolution in computer Hardware exploded across the western world. Microsoft, Apple and many other PC companies fuelled the market and today, these companies are still striving to reduce the size and price of computer Hardware while improving its capacity.

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